Greenfinches, which have been hard hit by the disease trichomonosis, continue to decline

Kate Risely, Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) organiser at the British Trust for Ornithology, said "While many people are seeing Siskins and Lesser Redpolls in their gardens for the first time, others are noticing the decline in Greenfinches. Numbers of this common garden bird have been badly affected by the disease trichomonosis, particularly in London, the south-east and the south-west, where numbers have declined by 58%, 30% and 30% respectively since the start of the survey in 1994. These figures tell us exactly what is happening to the populations over one hundred of our bird species, and put into a national context the changes that people are seeing played out in their back gardens and on their bird feeders. We owe this information to dedicated volunteer birdwatchers across the country."

Source: Wildlife Extra, August 2013