Search for Sturnus vulgaris

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  1. De spreeuw neemt in de stad alarmerend hard in aantal af - daling van 40% in de laatste 20 jaar

    De spreeuw neemt in de stad alarmerend hard in aantal af - daling van 40% in de laatste 20 jaar

    1 comment

  2. De spreeuw staat binnenkort op de rode lijst

    De spreeuw staat binnenkort op de rode lijst

    1 comment

  3. Experts have expressed concern about the dramatic decline of birds in Lancashire

    Experts have expressed concern about the dramatic decline of birds in Lancashire

    1 comment

  4. Bye bye blackbird

    Bye bye blackbird

    1 comment

  5. The starling is in steep decline

    The starling is in steep decline

    1 comment

  6. Kent’s starling population has declined by more than two-thirds since 1991

    Kent’s starling population has declined by more than two-thirds since 1991

    1 comment

  7. RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch reveals starling decline

    RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch reveals starling decline

    1 comment

  8. Britain has lost more than half its house sparrows and three-quarters of its starlings

    Britain has lost more than half its house sparrows and three-quarters of its starlings

    1 comment

  9. Staggering decline of farmland birds in Wales and the Westcountry since the mid-1990s

    Staggering decline of farmland birds in Wales and the Westcountry since the mid-1990s

    1 comment

  10. De populatie spreeuwen in Nederland is sinds 1990 gehalveerd

    De populatie spreeuwen in Nederland is sinds 1990 gehalveerd

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