Search for Sturnus vulgaris

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  1. Minder vogels in de stad

    Minder vogels in de stad

    1 comment

  2. Farmland and woodland bird numbers crash in Wales

    Farmland and woodland bird numbers crash in Wales

    1 comment

  3. British farmland birds population plummet by 11 per cent since the mid 1990s

    British farmland birds population plummet by 11 per cent since the mid 1990s

    1 comment

  4. Starling in decline throughout Europe over the last two decades

    Starling in decline throughout Europe over the last two decades

    1 comment

  5. Gierzwaluw bedreigd

    Gierzwaluw bedreigd

    1 comment

  6. Het gaat bar slecht met de spreeuw in Nederland

    Het gaat bar slecht met de spreeuw in Nederland

    1 comment