When Tim Davis moved to Marshall County 35 years ago, he would spend some of his free time hunting pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and quail (Coturnix coturnix). As time passed Davis’ bird hunting expeditions became less successful, and about 10 years ago he stopped hunting quail and pheasant because he could rarely even find them. “They used to just be plentiful and everywhere. You could drive down any county road and you’d see pheasant and quail 35 years ago,” he said. Nowadays, Davis sees one or two quail or pheasant in an entire summer. During summertime he hears quail that are living on his property on the edge of Waterville but he does not bother them. “I just choose not to hunt them because I don’t think there are many left,” he said.
Source: The Marysville Advocate, 20 February 2013

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