
Shifts in food plant abundance for flower‐visiting insects between 1900 and 2017 in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland

We compared the current (2012–2017) abundances of food plants of different groups of flower‐visiting insects to that of 1900–1930 in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Comparisons were done separately for different vegetation types, flowering months, and groups of diurnal flower‐visiting insects, such as bees, bumblebees, wasps, butterflies, hoverflies, flies, and beetles. We found a general decrease in food plant abundance for all groups of flower‐visiting insects and in all vegetation types except ruderal areas.

A Review of Sub-lethal Neonicotinoid Insecticides Exposure and Effects on Pollinators

Beekeepers around the world have been reporting the ongoing weakening of honeybee health and subsequently the increasing colony losses since 1990. However, it was not until the abrupt emergence of colony collapse disorder (CCD) in the 2000s that has raised the concern of losing this important perennial pollinator. In this report, we provide a summary of the sub-lethal effects of pesticides, in particular of neonicotinoids, on pollinators’ health from papers published in peer-review journals.

Neonicotinoids can negatively affect immunocompetence in the red mason bee leading to impaired disease resistance capacity

Solitary bees are frequently exposed to pesticides, which are considered as one of the main stress factors that may lead to population declines. A strong immune defence is vital for the fitness of bees. However, the immune system can be weakened by environmental factors that may render bees more vulnerable to parasites and pathogens.

Bayer verdedigt de neonicotinoïden in een interview met het tijdschrift NATUR

Bayer verkoopt al zo'n drie decennia zogenaamde neonicotinoïden, een groep insecticiden die het bedrijf ooit heeft uitgevonden. Ze worden ervan verdacht een roemloze rol te spelen in het wereldwijde verlies van bijen en insecten. De EU heeft nu drie van de vijf goedgekeurde neonicotinoïden in Europa verboden en wetenschappers over de hele wereld waarschuwen voor een "ecologisch armageddon". In het coververhaal van tijdschrift NATUR 3/20 ("Toxic Seed") wordt de chemische reus van verschillende kanten beschuldigd kritische wetenschappers en imkers te hebben geïntimideerd.

Neonicotinoids damage the brains of baby bees, new research finds

In a new study, scientists examined exactly how bumblebees are affected by pesticides by scanning bumble bee brains and testing their learning abilities.They found that baby bees can feel the effects of the food contaminated by pesticides brought back by worker bees into the colony, making them poorer at performing tasks later in life.

Time‐Cumulative Toxicity of Neonicotinoids: Experimental Evidence and Implications for Environmental Risk Assessments

Our mechanistic understanding of the toxicity of chemicals that target biochemical and/or physiological pathways, such as pesticides and medical drugs is that they do so by binding to specific molecules. The nature of the latter molecules (e.g., enzymes, receptors, DNA, proteins, etc.) and the strength of the binding to such chemicals elicit a toxic effect in organisms, which magnitude depends on the doses exposed in a given timeframe.

Biologen belegen flächendeckendes Hummelsterben

In einer Langzeitstudie belegen Forscher einen flächendeckenden und massiven Schwund zahlreicher Hummelarten in Europa und Nordamerika. Dies hat auch Folgen für den Menschen, da Hummeln für die Pflanzenbestäubung ähnlich wichtig sind wie Honigbienen. Sie sind weltweit mit die wichtigsten Helfer in der Landwirtschaft und ohne sie würden ganze Landstriche niemals erblühen.

Bumblebees are dying across North America and Europe

Bumblebee populations in North America and Europe have plummeted, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science. The number of areas populated by bumblebees has fallen 46 percent in North America and 17 percent in Europe. The loss of bumblebee populations is alarming because they play a central role in pollinating many plants, including key crops such as tomatoes and cranberries.

WUR als spreekbuis van Bayer en Syngenta

In de jaren negentig kregen universiteiten het credo van de marktwerking opgelegd. De overheid bepaalde dat wetenschappelijk onderzoek niet langer alleen uit publieke middelen moest worden gefinancierd, maar voortaan ook deels met extern geld. Dat betekende dat universiteiten de boer op moesten. Voor Wageningse onderzoekers betekende dat het begin van een innige samenwerking met chemiegiganten.