

South Florida’s wading and diving birds had another bad nesting season in 2012

According to the South Florida Wading Bird report, released this week, wading and diving birds built about 26,395 nests in the region, a 39 percent decline in the 10-year average. This was the third consecutive year nesting numbers have been down after a spike in 2009, which produced 77,505 nests, the highest total since the 1940s.

The Philippine cobra and 12 other reptiles have joined the official list of threatened species

Former Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri on Sunday said the Philippine cobra (Naja philippinensis) and 12 other reptiles have joined the official list of threatened species. In a statement, he said the snake was earlier identified near threatened but its declining population required its change in category. A highly venomous burly snake averaging a meter in length, Naja philippinensis thrives in low-lying plains, from thick jungles and forested areas to open fields and grasslands. It preys mostly on small rodents and frogs and occasionally, other snakes, lizards and birds. Predators of the Philippine cobra include humans, birds of prey, the king cobra, and the mongoose.
Zuniry, former chairman of the Senate environment and natural resources committee, said the other threatened species are the Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Southeast Asian box turtle (Cuora amboinensis), Spiny terrapin (Heosemys spinosa), South-east Philippine spitting cobra (Naja samarensis), Equatorial spitting cobra (Naja sumatrana), King cobra(Ophiophagus hannah), Southeast Asian softshell turtle (Pelochelys bibroni), Batanes pit viper (Trimeresurus flavomaculatus), Panay monitor lizard (Varanus mabitang) and three subspecies of the Malay monitor lizard. Of the 13 newly threatened reptiles, Zubiri, Pilipinas EcoWarriors convenor, said the Panay monitor lizard was labeled critically endangered. The rest were tagged either vulnerable or endangered.

Interactions between Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and its amphibian hosts: a review of pathogenesis and immunity

The fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd ) causes a lethal skin disease of amphibians, chytridiomycosis, which has caused catastrophic amphibian die-offs around the world. This review provides a summary of host characteristics, pathogen characteristics and host-pathogen responses to infection that are important for understanding disease development.

Killing Bees: Are Government and Industry Responsible?

There is growing evidence that a new class of pesticides -- nerve toxins called neonicotinoids, which are used on most US crops including almost all corn -- may be toxic to bees. The Environmental Protection Agency allowed neonicotinoids on the market without adequate tests to determine their toxicity to bees. Environmentalists want neonicotinoids banned until needed safety tests are done. While the US government is slow to act and neonicotinoid sales reap billions for the chemical industry, bees continue to die. Earth Focus reports: http://www.linktv.org/video/8123/killing-bees-are-government-and-indust…

Amphibian Immune Defenses against Chytridiomycosis: Impacts of Changing Environments

Amphibians are currently suffering devastating declines and extinctions in nearly all parts of the world due to the emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis caused by the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Because chytridiomycosis is a skin infection and remains confined to the skin, immune defenses of the skin are critical for survival. Skin defenses include secreted antimicrobial peptides and immunoglobulins as well as antifungal metabolites produced by symbiotic skin bacteria. Low temperatures, toxic chemicals, and stress inhibit the immune system and may impair natural defenses against B. dendrobatidis. Tadpoles’ mouth parts can be infected by B. dendrobatidis. Damage to the mouth parts can impair growth, and the affected tadpoles maintain the pathogen in the environment even when adults have dispersed. Newly metamorphosing frogs appear to be especially vulnerable to infection and to the lethal effects of this pathogen because the immune system undergoes a dramatic reorganization at metamorphosis, and postmetamorphic defenses are not yet mature. Here we review our current understanding of amphibian immune defenses against B. dendrobatidis and the ability of the pathogen to resist those defenses.

Ecologically relevant concentrations of atrazine and nitrates have immunosuppressive effects

Pathogenic diseases and environmental contaminants are two of the leading
hypotheses for global amphibian declines, yet few studies have examined the influence of contaminants on disease susceptibility. In this study, we examined effects of ecologically relevant doses of atrazine (0, 1.6, 16, and 160 ug/L), sodium nitrate (0, 6.8, 68 mg/L), and their interactions on susceptibility of four laboratory-bred tiger salamander families to Ambystoma tigrinum virus (ATV), a pathogen implicated in global amphibian die-offs.

Agrochemicals increase trematode infections in a declining amphibian species

We show that the widely used herbicide, atrazine, was the best predictor (out of more than 240 plausible candidates) of the abundance of larval trematodes (parasitic flatworms) in the declining northern leopard frog Rana pipiens. The effects of atrazine were consistent across trematode taxa. The combination of atrazine and phosphate—principal agrochemicals in global corn and sorghum production—accounted for 74% of the variation in the abundance of these often debilitating larval trematodes (atrazine alone accounted for 51%). Analysis of field data supported a causal mechanism whereby both agrochemicals increase exposure and susceptibility to larval trematodes by augmenting snail intermediate hosts and suppressing amphibian immunity. A mesocosm experiment demonstrated that, relative to control tanks, atrazine tanks had immunosuppressed tadpoles, had significantly more attached algae and snails, and had tadpoles with elevated trematode loads, further supporting a causal relationship between atrazine and elevated trematode infections in amphibians. These results raise concerns about the role of atrazine and phosphate in amphibian declines, and illustrate the value of quantifying the relative importance of several possible drivers of disease risk while determining the mechanisms by which they facilitate disease emergence.

Effects of Chytrid and Carbaryl Exposure on Survival, Growth and Skin Peptide Defenses in Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs

Environmental contaminants and disease may synergistically contribute to amphibian population declines. Sub-lethal levels of contaminants can suppress amphibian immune defenses and, thereby, may facilitate disease outbreaks. We conducted laboratory experiments on newly metamorphosed foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii) to determine whether sublethal exposure to the pesticide carbaryl would increase susceptibility to the pathogenic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis that is widely associated with amphibian declines. We examined the effect of carbaryl alone, chytrid alone, and interactions of the two on individual survival, growth, and antimicrobial skin defenses.

The cause of global amphibian declines: a developmental endocrinologist's perspective

Greater than 70% of the world's amphibian species are in decline. We propose that there is probably not a single cause for global amphibian declines and present a three-tiered hierarchical approach that addresses interactions among and between ultimate and proximate factors that contribute to amphibian declines. There are two immediate (proximate) causes of amphibian declines: death and decreased recruitment (reproductive failure). Although much attention has focused on death, few studies have addressed factors that contribute to declines as a result of failed recruitment. Further, a great deal of attention has focused on the role of pathogens in inducing diseases that cause death, but we suggest that pathogen success is profoundly affected by four other ultimate factors: atmospheric change, environmental pollutants, habitat modification and invasive species. Environmental pollutants arise as likely important factors in amphibian declines because they have realized potential to affect recruitment. Further, many studies have documented immunosuppressive effects of pesticides, suggesting a role for environmental contaminants in increased pathogen virulence and disease rates. Increased attention to recruitment and ultimate factors that interact with pathogens is important in addressing this global crisis.

Amphibian declines: an immunological perspective

Many, but not all, amphibian populations have been declining on all six continents on which they live. Although habitat destruction, direct application of toxicants, and introduction of predators/competitors are obvious causes of amphibian declines, many amphibians are dying of infectious diseases in relatively pristine habitats on several continents. In this paper, we review the patterns of these disease outbreaks and the characteristics of amphibian immune systems. Hypotheses are presented to explain the apparent susceptibility of amphibians to these pathogens. Natural and man-made factors that can alter amphibian immune responses to pathogens are discussed. Additional research is needed on the biology of the specific pathogens, the pattern of immune responses they elicit, and the nature of environmental stressors that may increase susceptibility to infectious disease.