
Kamerbrief van staatssecretaris Dijksma over neonicotinoiden en bijen

Geachte Voorzitter, Hierbij informeer ik u ten eerste over de stand van zaken van het Europees besluitvormingsproces inzake het verbod op neonicotinoïden. Ten tweede ga ik in op de openbaarheid van gegevens in gewasbeschermingsmiddelendossiers en geef vervolgens mijn reactie op het onderzoeksrapport over vertrouwelijke studies over imidacloprid en bijen dat in opdracht van Natuur & Milieu is gemaakt. Dit naar aanleiding van uw verzoeken van 10 en 11 april 2013. Tenslotte informeer ik u over de monitoring van wintersterfte bij bijen. In een reactie schrijft de toxicoloog Henk Tennekes dat staatssecretaris Dijksma behendig laveert tussen de LTO visie (die een beperkte inperking van de toepassingen van een aantal neonicotinoiden in een Europees verband nastreeft) en die van haar eigen partij, de PvdA (die de motie Ouwehand steunde en zich daarmee uitsprak voor een Europees moratorium op alle toepassingen van alle neonicotinoiden). Daarbij verliest ze haar eigenlijke taak, namelijk in te grijpen om grote milieuschade te voorkomen, uit het oog, aldus Tennekes. De belangenorganisatie voor de Nederlandse agrochemische industrie Nefyto betreurt het besluit van de Europese Commissie voor het instellen van een 2-jarig moratorium op toepassingen van 3 neonicotinoïden. De basis voor de industrie om verantwoord investeringen te doen in nieuwe land- en tuinbouwmethoden wordt hierdoor aangetast (bijlage).

Chuck Benbrook in the 2008 Rachel Carson Memorial Lecture: Prevention, not profit, should drive pest management

Multi-nationals have driven pest management down a route of maximum corporate profit. In the 2008 Rachel Carson Memorial Lecture (attached) Chuck Benbrook questions the wisdom of their strategies and advocates more integrated approaches to pest management.The best way to minimize the chance that systemic pest management solutions trigger unforeseen problems is to rely on them sparingly and only when prevention-based biointensive IPM systems are overwhelmed. That is not the path we are now on. Our current path is leading inevitably to the need for more toxins, which will trigger more resistance, kill more beneficial organisms, narrow biodiversity and set the stage for higher costs and new and unanticipated problems. If we travel too far down our current path, we could create conditions in our food system much like those that brought down the financial system. That is an outcome we should all work tirelessly to avoid.

Wereldwijd protest tegen biotechnologie- en zaadbedrijf Monsanto

25 mei 2013 wordt wereldwijd aangehouden door activisten als protestdag tegen het multinationale biotechnologie- en landbouwgif bedrijf Monsanto. Deze demonstratie richt zich tegen de bedrijfsstrategie van Monsanto, waaronder de patentregelingen op leven, en de groeiende invloed van dit bedrijf op publieke en wetenschappelijke instituten wereldwijd. Voor een groep bezorgde burgers en studenten leek Wageningen de meest voor de hand liggende plek om deze demonstratie te laten plaats vinden. Dit omdat de Wageningen University and Researchcentre (WUR) wereldwijd een van de grootste universitaire onderzoekscentra op het gebied van biotechnologie is, en hieromheen een epicentrum van voedselbedrijven is ontstaan. Monsanto heeft ook een vestiging in Wageningen door de overname van Seminis. Het evenement heeft op facebook al meer dan 1000 bevestigde deelnemers. De aantallen worden verwacht toe te nemen zolang de voorbereidingen vorderen.

Determination of imidacloprid and its metabolite 6-chloronicotinic acid in greenhouse air by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection

A method is described for analysing and sampling imidacloprid and its metabolite 6-chloronicotinic acid in greenhouse air by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode-array detection (DAD). The trapping efficiency of two solid sorbents, Amberlite XAD-2 and Amberlite XAD-4 and the use of different desorption procedures have been tested. To validate the methodology, standard atmospheres containing known concentrations of these pesticides and with different relative humidities were generated. No breakthrough was observed in the range of concentrations studied. Dissipation of analytes was investigated in a 24 h period after application by using personal samplers in a field experiment.

Russia Warns President Obama of possible "Global War Over “Bee Apocalypse” Caused by Bayer, Syngenta & Monsanto

The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war. According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations. At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the “undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planets bee population, and which if left unchecked could destroy our world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population.

Lecture: Decline and Fall of Bees; Pollinators in Peril

On April 19, 2011 from 12-1 pm Dr. James C. Nieh spoke about “The Decline and Fall of Bees: Pollinators in Peril” in the Events Room at the Biomedical Library. Honey bees face multiple natural and manmade dangers in their environment. Ironically, they are highly successful because of their use in modern agriculture, yet are suffering because modern agriculture imposes stresses from pesticides, diseases, parasites, and management practices such as mobile beekeeping. The research in Dr. Nieh’s laboratory explores natural threats and, more recently, the effects of pesticides on honey bee foraging. Come learn about the amazing solutions that bees have evolved in response to natural perils and how our use of pesticides may be contributing to their decline.

Repeated low-level and short-term exposure to imidacloprid may have adverse long-term effects on a key shredder for litter decomposition

Effects of two series of imidacloprid pulses on caged amphipods (Gammarus roeseli) and their shredder efficiency for litter decomposition were studied for 70 days as part of a comprehensive stream mesocosm experiment. The duration of each imidacloprid pulse of 12 µg L−1 was 12 h. About 250 mL cages with an initial stock of 10 adult gammarids together with different conditioned litter substrates were used. Beside alder leaves (Alnus glutinosa), straw (× Triticosecale) was also used in different trials and tested for its suitability to serve as litter substrate. Results from tracer and microprobe measurements approved the suitability of the test system under low-flow condition of 10 cm s−1 in the surrounding stream water. Population development followed a logistic growth function with a carrying capacity of 200 Ind cage−1 for alder and 161 for straw. In the course of the study, the F1 generation reached sexual maturity and F2 offspring appeared. Increased nitrogen contents of gammarid-free trials compared to stocked ones after 70 days indicated that biofilm on both substrates was an important food source for G. roeseli. However, increased shredding activity by gammarids was only detected for alder during the second pulse series. During the remaining time and also for straw, losses of coarse particular organic matter were quite constant and slow indicating the dominance of transport limited decomposition processes on the litter surfaces. No effect of imidacloprid pulses on population levels and litter decomposition could be detected. However, the number of brood carrying females was reduced in the treatments compared to the control groups in the last 3 weeks of the study. In conclusion, repeated low-level and short-term exposition may have adverse long-term effects on G. roeseli in the field with regard to both the population size and the functional role as key shredder.

Landwirtschaftsminister Nikolaus Berlakovich vollzieht bei Neonikotinoiden einen abrupten Kurswechsel

Landwirtschaftsminister Nikolaus Berlakovich hat in der Bewertung der Neonikotinoide einen abrupten Kurswechsel vollzogen. Während der Ressortchef noch Ende April in Brüssel gegen den Vorschlag der EU-Kommission gestimmt hatte, drei Pflanzenschutzmittel aus der Stoffgruppe der Neonikotinoide zu verbieten, kündigte er diese Woche auf einem „Bienengipfel” in Wien an, doch die Position der EU-Kommission für ein Verbot der umstrittenen Wirkstoffe zu unterstützen. Darüber hinaus soll bei uns mehr in die Forschung und Bienenschutzmaßnahmen investiert werden. Berlakovich hatte Vertreter der Imker, der Landwirtschaft und der Wissenschaft in sein Ministerium eingeladen, um die Diskussion zum den Bienenschutz und den Einsatz von Neonikotinoiden zu versachlichen. Ziel sei es gewesen, beim „Bienengipfel” eine bessere Lösung für alle Beteiligten zu erreichen, die auch die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung finde, so der Ressortchef. Das sei gelungen.

Sulfoxaflor - de volgende ramp in wording

Dow AgroSciences LLC, een volledige dochteronderneming van The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW), heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat de Amerikaanse regelgevende instanties een nieuw insecticide, sulfoxaflor, hebben goedgekeurd, dat als Transform ® en Closer ™ in de VS zal worden verkocht. De Amerikaanse registratie, en de recente Canadese registratie, zijn het resultaat van een wereldwijde gezamenlijke toetsing. Australische sulfoxaflor registratie wordt verwacht in het derde kwartaal van 2013. Zuid-Korea, Panama, Vietnam, Indonesië en Guatemala hebben sulfoxaflor al geregistreerd en aanvullende wereldwijde registraties worden verwacht in de nabije toekomst. Sulfoxaflor behoort tot een nieuwe chemische klasse van sulfoximines ontwikkeld door Dow AgroSciences en kan gebruikt worden in een groot aantal belangrijke gewassen, zoals katoen, soja, citrus, steenvruchten, noten, druiven, aardappelen, groenten en aardbeien. Sulfoxaflor lijkt in veel opzichten op imidacloprid. De stoffen werken als agonisten van nicotinerge acetylcholine receptoren in het centrale zenuwstelsel, hebben een vergelijkbare oplosbaarheid in water, zijn slechts zeer langzaam afbreekbaar in de bodem en in het water, en zeer giftig voor waterorganismen, vooral bij langdurige blootstelling (R53). Het is te verwachten dat intensief gebruik van sulfoxaflor in de land- en tuinbouw zal leiden tot vergelijkbare verontreiniging van het grond- en oppervlaktewater.

The molecular basis of simple relationships between exposure concentration and toxic effects with time

Understanding the toxicity of chemicals to organisms requires considering the molecular mechanisms involved as well as the relationships between exposure concentration and toxic effects with time. Our current knowledge about such relationships is mainly explained from a toxicodynamic and toxicokinetic perspective. This paper re-introduces an old approach that takes into account the biochemical mode of action and their resulting biological effects over time of exposure. Empirical evidence demonstrates that the Druckrey-Küpfmüller toxicity model, which was validated for chemical carcinogens in the early 1960s, is also applicable to a wide range of toxic compounds in ecotoxicology. According to this model, the character of a poison is primarily determined by the reversibility of critical receptor binding. Chemicals showing irreversible or slowly reversible binding to specific receptors will produce cumulative effects with time of exposure, and whenever the effects are also irreversible (e.g. death) they are reinforced over time; these chemical have time-cumulative toxicity. Compounds having non-specific receptor binding, or involving slowly reversible binding to some receptors that do not contribute to toxicity, may also be time-dependent; however, their effects depend primarily on the exposure concentration, with time playing a minor role. Consequently, the mechanism of toxic action has important implications for risk assessment. Traditional risk approaches cannot predict the impacts of toxicants with time-cumulative toxicity in the environment. While most toxicants with a generic mode of action can be evaluated by the traditional concentration–effect approaches, a certain number of chemicals, including carcinogens, methylmercury, rodenticides, neonicotinoids and cartap insecticides have toxic effects that are reinforced with time of exposure (time-cumulative effects). Therefore, the traditional risk approach cannot predict the impacts of the latter chemicals in the environment. New assessment procedures are needed to evaluate the risk that the latter chemicals pose on humans and the environment. An example is shown to explain how the risk of time-dependent toxicants is underestimated when using current risk assessment protocols.