
High aquatic risk of chronic exposure of imidacloprid to mayflies

The present study evaluated the acute and chronic toxicity of imidacloprid to a range of freshwater arthropods. Mayfly and caddisfly species were most sensitive to short-term imidacloprid exposures (10 tests), whereas the mayflies showed by far the most sensitive response to long-term exposure of all seven arthropod species tested (28-d EC10 values of approximately 0.03 µg/L). The results indicated a high aquatic risk of chronic exposure of imidacloprid to mayflies.

Bij elkaar: debat over de relatie tussen bijensterfte en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in Den Haag

Op initiatief van het ministerie van Economische Zaken (bijlage) vond op dinsdag 23 april a.s. een debat plaats over de relatie tussen bijensterfte en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in het New Babylon Meeting Center in Den Haag (naast Den Haag CS). Debatleider is Felix Rottenberg. Over de relatie tussen bijensterfte en neonicotinoiden en over de voorstellen die de Europese Commissie op dit gebied heeft gedaan, laten wetenschappers, het bedrijfsleven, imkers, natuur- en milieuorganisaties, agrariërs en burgers hun mening horen. Staatssecretaris Sharon Dijksma van Economische Zaken hecht er grote waarde aan dat betrokkenen bij elkaar komen en met elkaar in discussie gaan over de breed gedeelde zorg over bijensterfte. In een reactie schreef de toxicoloog Henk Tennekes dat de oorzaak van bijensterfte met een publicatie van zijn hand in het vaktijdschrift Toxicology van 2010 is aangetoond, en alle kritiek van Bayer op zijn artikel op overtuigende wijze is weerlegd. Henk Tennekes heeft Staatssecretaris Dijksma meegedeeld geen zin te hebben vanuit de zaal te luisteren naar uitstekend betaalde vertegenwoordigers van instituties die het bij de bijenproblematiek volkomen hebben laten afweten. Het is voor hem reden geweest geen gevolg te geven aan haar uitnodiging deel te nemen aan het debat.

Toxicoloog en klokkenluider Henk Tennekes doet verhaal over de oorzaak van bijensterfte op radio 1

Langzaamaan lossen de nevelen rondom de bijensterfte op. Niet de agoramijt of klimaatverandering is de boosdoener, maar de farmaceutische industrie heeft een giftige vinger in de pap. Toxicoloog Henk Tennekes roept dit al jaren, maar werd niet serieus genomen. Het kostte hem zijn naam, zijn klanten en een berg geld. Voelt dit als een overwinning of een karige genoegdoening? Luister naar een uitzending van 22 april 2013 op radio 1: Over het debat in Den Haag op 23 april 2013 over de oorzaken van bijensterfte zei Tennekes dat het er naar uitziet dat het weer een welles-nietes spelletje gaat worden, waar we we al zo veel van gehad hebben, en waar niemand iets mee opschiet. Met het oog op de immense risico's van neonicotinoiden voor bijen en de sterk verhoogde bijensterfte van de laatste jaren pleit Tennekes voor toepassing van het voorzorgsprincipe en een verbod op alle toepassingen van alle neonicotinoiden.

Volgens PVV Kamerlid Dion Graus hebben bijen in de stad minder last van pesticiden

Op geschikte daken van overheidsgebouwen moeten bijenvolken worden geplaatst. Dat vindt een meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer. In Frankrijk en Amerika zijn er succesvolle voorbeelden van plaatsen van bijenvolken op daken in de stad, vindt PVV-Tweede Kamerlid Dion Graus. Hij diende een motie in die vroeg de regering om imkers de mogelijkheid te geven om bijenvolken op geschikte overheidsdaken te kunnen plaatsen. Ook geschikte bijenplanten zouden op daken moeten worden geplant. Die motie werd ondersteund door PvdA, PVV, CDA, D66, SP en SGP.

Bundestagsrede von Harald Ebner (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) | 18.04.2013

Nach Atrazin, Glyphosat und vielen anderen Pestizidwirkstoffen stehen mit den Neonicotinoiden erneut Pflanzenschutzmittel im Fokus der Kritik. Seit Jahren schon verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass diese Wirkstoffgruppe besonders gefährlich für Bienen und andere Insekten ist. Die Vergiftung von 12 000 ganzen Bienenvölkern im Oberrheintal im Jahr 2008 durch Staubabrieb von Maissaatgut, das mit dem Neonicotinoid Clothianidin behandelt war, ist ein erschreckendes Extrembeispiel. Doch die Auswirkungen dieser Nervengifte sind nicht immer sofort sichtbar oder tödlich: Der Toxikologe Dr. Henk Tennekes hat bereits 2010 belegt, dass die Wirkung selbst kleinster Mengen an Neonicotinoiden irreversibel ist und die Nervenzellen dauerhaft geschädigt werden. Das macht Neonicotinoide zu einer tickenden Zeitbombe, die zum Zusammenbruch ganzer Vogelpopulationen führen kann, die sich von Insekten ernähren. Bereits Konzentrationen von weniger als einem Milliardstel Gramm pro Biene verursachen subletale, also nicht akut tödliche Effekte, die das Kommunikations-, Lern- und Orientierungsvermögen der Tiere stören und zum Zusammenbruch eines Bienenvolkes führen können. Dass europäische Zulassungsverfahren für Pestizide solche Gefahren nicht aufdecken, ist skandalös und muss sich dringend ändern!

Effects of sublethal doses of imidacloprid in malpighian tubules of africanized Apis mellifera

In Brazil, imidacloprid is a widely used insecticide on agriculture and can harm bees, which are important pollinators. The active ingredient imidacloprid has action on the nervous system of the insects. However, little has been studied about the actions of the insecticide on nontarget organs of insects, such as the Malpighian tubules that make up the excretory and osmoregulatory system. Hence, in this study, we evaluated the effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of imidacloprid in Malpighian tubules of Africanized Apis mellifera. In the tubules of treated bees, we found an increase in the number of cells with picnotic nuclei, the lost of part of the cell into the lumen, and a homogenization of coloring cytoplasm. Furthermore, we observed the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolization. We confirmed the increased occurrence of picnotic nuclei by using the Feulgan reaction, which showed the chromatin compaction was more intense in the tubules of bees exposed to the insecticide. We observed an intensification of the staining of the nucleus with Xylidine Ponceau, further verifying the cytoplasmic negative regions that may indicate autophagic activity. Additionally, immunocytochemistry experiments showed TUNEL positive nuclei in exposed bees, implicating increased cell apoptosis after chronic imidacloprid exposure. In conclusion, our results indicate that very low concentrations of imidacloprid lead to cytotoxic activity in the Malpighian tubules of exposed bees at all tested times for exposure and imply that this insecticide can alter honey bee physiology.

Experimental exposure of red-legged partridges to seeds coated with imidacloprid, thiram and difenoconazole

Pesticide coated seeds are commonly used in agriculture, and may be an important source of food for some birds in times of scarcity, as well as a route of pesticide ingestion. We tested the lethal and sub-lethal effects of treated seed ingestion by the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa), a game bird of high socio-economic value
in Spain. One year-old partridges (n = 42 pairs) were fed for 10 days in spring (prior to breeding) with wheat treated with difenoconazole (fungicide), thiram (fungicide) or imidacloprid (insecticide), using two doses for each pesticide (the one recommended, and its double to represent potential cases of abuse of pesticides). We investigated the direct and indirect effects on the body condition, physiology, immunology, coloration and subsequent reproduction of exposed partridges. For the latter, eggs were collected, measured and incubated and the growth and survival of chicks were monitored. Thiram and imidacloprid at high exposure doses produced mortalities of 41.6 and 58.3 %, respectively. The first death was observed at day 3 for imidacloprid and at day 7 for thiram. Both doses of the three pesticides caused sublethal effects, such as altered biochemical parameters, oxidative stress and reduced carotenoid-based coloration. The high exposure doses of
imidacloprid and thiram also produced a decrease in cellular immune response measured by the phytohemagglutinin test in males. Bearing in mind the limitation of the small number of surviving pairs in some treatments, we found that the three pesticides reduced the size of eggs and imidacloprid and difenoconazole also reduced the fertilization rate. In addition, both thiram and imidacloprid reduced chick survival. These experiments highlight that the toxicity of pesticide-treated seeds is a factor to consider in the decline of birds in agricultural environments.

Imidacloprid Repels Pollinating Flies and Beetles at Field-Realistic Concentrations

Neonicotinoids are widely used systemic insecticides which, when applied to flowering crops, are translocated to the nectar and pollen where they may impact upon pollinators. Given global concerns over pollinator declines, this potential impact has recently received much attention. Field exposure of pollinators to neonicotinoids depends on the concentrations present in flowering crops and the degree to which pollinators choose to feed upon them. Here we describe a simple experiment using paired yellow pan traps with or without insecticide to assess whether the commonly used neonicotinoid imidacloprid repels or attracts flying insects. Both Diptera and Coleoptera exhibited marked avoidance of traps containing imidacloprid at a field-realistic dose of 1 µg L−1, with Diptera avoiding concentrations as low as 0.01 µg L−1. This is to our knowledge the first evidence for any biological activity at such low concentrations, which are below the limits of laboratory detection using most commonly available techniques. Catch of spiders in pan traps was also slightly reduced by the highest concentrations of imidacloprid used (1 µg L−1), but catch was increased by lower concentrations. It remains to be seen if the repellent effect on insects occurs when neonicotinoids are present in real flowers, but if so then this could have implications for exposure of pollinators to neonicotinoids and for crop pollination.

Rachel Carson was truly a prophet of things to come

In “Silent Spring" (1962) Rachel Carson wrote

"The world of systemic insecticides is a weird world, surpassing the imaginings of the brothers Grimm.
It is a world where the enchanted forest of the fairy tales has become a poisonous forest.
It is a world where a flea bites a dog and dies…where a bee may carry poisonous nectar back to its hive and presently produce poisonous honey."

Effects of imidacloprid on arthropod community structure and its dynamics in alfalfa field

This paper studied the arthropod community structure and its seasonal dynamics in alfalfa field under effects of imidacloprid. The results showed that imidacloprid more affected the species number of natural enemies rather than that of insect pests, resulting in a significant increase of the dominance concentration of both total arthropod community and pest sub-community. The numbers of dominant pests such as aphid and thrip reduced significantly at the initial stage of spraying imidacloprid, increased rapidly after 7 days, and exceeded the control after 40 days. As for the natural enemy sub-community, its species number decreased greatly and its species diversity and evenness were lower at the initial stage of spraying imidacloprid, its species number increased gradually after 7 days and approached to the level of the control thereafter, while its individual number was lower than the control all the time.