Grassland birds

Farmland bird decline in the UK was 9% between 2010-15

Birds living and breeding on the UK’s farmland have seen numbers decline by almost a tenth in five years, official figures show. Farmland bird populations have declined by 56% since 1970, largely due to agricultural changes including the loss of mixed farming, a switch to autumn sowing of crops, a reduction in hay meadows and the stripping out of hedgerows.

Die Vogelarten der Nadelwälder im Kanton Zug zeigen negative Entwicklungen

Im Kanton Zug haben sich die Brutvögel in den Naturschutzgebieten während der letzten vier Jahrzehnte unterschiedlich entwickelt. Am meisten unter Druck gekommen sind die Vögel der Moore. So ist der Kiebitz vom Aussterben bedroht. Sein Bestand ging von zehn Paaren auf ein einziges zurück. Eine mehrheitlich negative Entwicklung ist auch bei den Vögeln der Nadelwälder zu beobachten, wie die Direktion des Innern am Dienstag mitteilte. Dies zeigen Daten, die zwischen 1979 und 2016 erhoben wurden.

Negen soorten broedvogels zijn in Nederland uitgestorven en 87 soorten worden nu in hun voortbestaan bedreigd

Het aantal bedreigde broedvogels in Nederland neemt toe. Er staan negen broedvogels meer op de Rode Lijst dan in de vorige publicatie in 2004. Onder meer de torenvalk (Falco tinnunculus) en de wulp (Numenius arquata) staan er nu ook op. Op basis van tellingen van Sovon Volgelonderzoek is te zien welke soorten er zijn verdwenen en welke broedvogels het snelst uitsterven.

The Yellow-Breasted Bunting is on the verge of extinction

The yellow-breasted bunting (Emberiza aureola), a once common migratory bird, has been driven to the brink of extinction in recent years. The species was reclassified as“critically endangered” on the red list of threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature on Tuesday. The status is one step from the highest level of“extinct in the wild”. Back in 2000, the species was listed under“least concern”, the lowest level on the six-grade alert system.

Ely and Cambridgeshire farmland bird numbers decline by 9 per cent over 5 years

Bird numbers in Ely and Cambridgeshire have declined around British farmland by almost a tenth, according to new figures released by Defra. The latest figures released on Thursday (23rd November) by the government's environmental department reveal that wild bird numbers have dropped 9% from the years between 2010 and 2015, and by almost 70% by 1970. The figures have led the RSPB to call for a shift in how the UK operates its farming policies after it leaves the EU, to a more environmentally and sustainable friendly system.

De populatie grutto’s blijft krimpen

In 2017 zijn er circa 12.000 grutto’s (Limosa limosa) uitgevlogen. Helaas geen reden voor een feestje. De populatie grutto’s blijft krimpen. Om de huidige populatie (nu circa 34.000 paren) op peil te houden zouden er het afgelopen broedseizoen circa 18.000 jongen groot moeten zijn geworden. De grutto, onze Nationale Vogel, blijft in Nederland met gemiddeld 3,5 procent per jaar achteruit gaan.

Bron: Nature Today, 28-11-17

Latest update of European wild bird indicators confirms continued decline of farmland birds

The latest data on European common birds, brought together by the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS), shows a continued decline of European farmland birds. While the common forest birds are more or less stable over the last 10-15 years, the farmland birds show a staggering decline of 55% since 1980.

De Zuid-Hollandse boerenlandvogels staan door jarenlange bezoedeling van het landschap met imidacloprid op de rand van uitsterven

De dalende trend op het gebied van biodiversiteit in Zuid-Holland blijft aanhouden. Met name de natuur in het agrarisch gebied en de meest kwetsbare soorten van de zogenaamde rode lijst hollen hard achteruit. In navolging van vorige jaren blijkt uit een recent verschenen rapport van het Kennisinstituut Alterra dat de Zuid-Hollandse biodiversiteit een dalende trend blijft vertonen.

The prairie-chicken has lost as much as 84 percent of its historic prairie and grassland

The lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) belongs to the grouse family of birds so iconic to prairie culture. This brown-barred, stocky species nests in shrubbery and grasses of the Texas panhandle, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas and Colorado. David Hunter, owner of Hunter’s Livestock Supply in Woodward, recollected that the prairie-chickens were often spotted on his family’s 120-year-old farm in eastern Woodward when he was young. “There were just thousands of them everywhere,” the 57-year-old told me.

Wild pheasants disappearing in California

Things aren’t looking good for wild pheasants in California, where populations of the colorful game birds have fallen to less than 10 percent of what they were in the late 1990s. With pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) hunting season opening Saturday, state officials note populations of the bird have fallen dramatically over the past 19 years. Hunters reported shooting 4,828 pheasant roosters in 1998 on public lands in the Central Valley. But that number fell to 461 last year, according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.