German Entomology Experts sound the Alarm over the accelerating loss of bees and insect species and demand immediate government action. In particular the entomologists are concerned over the massive decline in wild bee populations; Entire landscapes which are completely devoid of pollinating insects: this nightmare situation is already a reality in China. In Sezchuan, pears, apples, plums and almonds have to be pollinated by human hands, because all the bees are dead; in a few years, unless urgent action is taken, this could happen in Germany. Latest research shows that populations of wild bee species and other insects have fallen drastically in Germany. If this trend continues, according to experts, many species will become extinct in less than ten years. The result would be an ecological catastrophe and an economic disaster, costing billions to farming and food production. Therefore, 77 well known researchers signed a petition to German Federal Environment Minister Dr. Barbara Hendricks. A combined meeting of biologists from the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart and the University of Hohenheim demanded immediate government action to halt the drastic decline in wild bees and other insects. In their resolution, the researchers demand a complete ban on neonicotinoid insecticides until the pesticide industry can prove scientifically, that they are safe for bees and wildlife. The entomologists also call for action to diversify and enrich the biodiversity of the farmed landscape, such as reintroducing wildflowers and long-term monitoring of insects, especially wild bee species. Such actions would make it possible to identify vulnerable insect populations better in the future, and to take remedial action in time to prevent extinctions.
Source: Laborpraxis, 28th October 2016…;

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