The Scarlet Robin (Petroica boodang) is a small, insectivorous woodland bird whose male population sports a bright red breast and a white cap. Many are lucky enough to still see them around paddocks and homesteads in the cooler months. However, they are a species in serious decline. It has been determined by the NSW Scientific Committee that the Scarlet Robin is facing a high risk of extinction in NSW in the medium-term future. The ‘Save Our Scarlet Robin’ project is funded by the NSW Government via its Environmental Trust and will run for 10 years (to 2026) in the south east of NSW.
The involvement of the community is vital to the recovery and long-term security of the threatened woodland birds in our region. By becoming more aware of the needs of the birds, we can work to improve the quality of their habitat, the loss of which is the largest threat they face. We work with land managers by looking at the whole-farm and designing a plan that secures the long-term integration of native flora and fauna values with long-term farm productivity goals, and then take steps to work toward those goals. Revegetating creek-lines and putting in some ‘stepping stone’ native vegetation patches in the paddocks not only provides an important refuge for threatened woodland birds, but also controls erosion, cleans the water, provides shade and shelter to livestock, pollen to the bees and insects, as well as gives an all-round increase in property value and amenity.
Source: Felicity Sturgiss, South East Local Land Services in Yass Tribune, 27 July 2017…

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