Readers are being asked to regularly clean out their bird baths and feeders – to help stop the decline of chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs),and greenfinch (Chloris chloris) numbers in the Falkirk district. In recent years, the RSPB has been worried about the decline of both species in its annual Big Garden Birdwatch poll. Last year’s results were no different. In 2016, chaffinch was fifth in the poll in Falkirk, with an average of 2.3 birds being spotted in 47.6 per cent of gardens. However, last year, it had dropped to eighth place with just 1.6 birds being spotted in 42.9 per cent of gardens – a 30 per cent reduction. A worrying reduction in the greenfinch, which was number 18 on the poll, was also recorded in Falkirk, with a 26.3 per cent decline. But it is discovering facts like these that helps the RSPB protect and safeguard birds. Andy Robinson, an RSPB conservation officer, said: “In some semi-rural areas, you’ll be lucky to see a greenfinch and, sadly, chaffinch are now being affected too. “Both birds have been really badly hit by the disease trichomoniasis.
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