
Gegen das tägliche Gift - was der Bauerssohn Friedrich Haalck unter dem Titel „Pestizide, nein danke!“ auf 165 Buchseiten zusammengefasst hat, lässt mehr als aufhorchen

„Geschafft!“, sagt Friedrich Haalck und klappt den Deckel seines druckfrischen Buches zu. Der Leher ist zufrieden mit dem, was er in mehr als dreijähriger Arbeit recherchiert und aufbereitet hat. Jetzt muss seine Botschaft nur noch in der Landwirtschaft ankommen: Auf Pestizide komplett zu verzichten.
Das, was der Bauerssohn unter dem Titel „Pestizide, nein danke!“ wissenschaftlich aufbereitet und leicht verständlich auf 165 Buchseiten zusammengefasst hat, lässt mehr als aufhorchen. Es geht um die Verwendung von Giften, Pestiziden, in der Landwirtschaft. „Der gezielte Chemiekalieneinsatz, die sogenannte Sikkation, hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren auch in Dithmarschen breit gemacht, weitgehend unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit“, sagt Haalck.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife agrees to look at the effects of the pesticides to settle a lawsuit filed three years ago by the Center for Biological Diversity

Six widely used pesticides will be evaluated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the next two years to determine whether they are being properly regulated to avoid having them contribute to the extinction of the California red-legged frog.The pesticides that will be evaluated are glyphosate, malathion, simazine, pendimethalin, permethrin, methomyl and myclobutanil. Glyphosate, an herbicide, is known by the brand name RoundUp and is among the world's most widely used pesticides. The agency agreed to look at the effects of the pesticides to settle a lawsuit filed three years ago by the Center for Biological Diversity.

Terwijl de bezorgdheid over de risico's toeneemt, breidt het Ctgb de toepassingen van glyfosaat uit

Het College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden (Ctgb) heeft tijdens de vergadering van 18 december 2013 besloten tot de toelating van vier nieuwe gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. Het Ctgb besloot ook tot uitbreiding van de toelating voor Panic Free, een middel op basis van de werkzame stof glyfosaat. De uitbreiding betreft het gebruik als onkruidbestrijdingsmiddel met de behandeling van de zwarte strook in de teelt van de steenvruchten. De nieuwe middelen met een toelating zijn Narita (een schimmelbestrijdingsmiddel op basis van de werkzame stof difenoconazool dat wordt toegelaten voor gewasbehandelingen in aardappelen), Balear 720 SC (een schimmelbestrijdingsmiddel op basis van de werkzame stof chloorthalonil dat wordt toegelaten in de teelt van wintertarwe, wintergerst, zomertarwe en zomergerst), Abringo (een schimmelbestrijdingsmiddel op basis van de werkzame stof chloorthalonil dat wordt toegelaten in de teelt van wintertarwe en zomertarwe) en Regalis Plus (een middel op basis van de werkzame stof prohexadion-calcium dat wordt toegelaten als groeiregulator in appel en peer. Het middel wordt tevens toegepast als kleine toepassing in druif).

Pestizid-Bewertung der EU ist fehlerhaft und führt zu Umwelt-Belastung

Wissenschaftler des des Instituts für Umweltwissenschaften Landau weisen jetzt nach, dass die mathematischen Modelle zur Bestimmung der Gefahr durch Pilzgifte, die Realität nicht widerspiegeln. Alarmierendes Ergebnis: „In bis zu vier von zehn Fällen war die tatsächliche Belastung der Gewässer höher als vorausberechnet.“ Knapp die Hälfte aller in der EU eingesetzten Pflanzenschutzmittel seien Fungizide, beschreiben die Wissenschaftler der Universität Koblenz-Landau den Anlass für ihre Studie. Bauern spritzen die Gifte „regelmäßig in größeren Mengen“, sagen die Wissenschaftler und wissen: „Etwa bei Regen werden die Mittel in Flüsse und Seen geschwemmt, wo sie in höheren Konzentrationen Effekte auf Tiere und Pflanzen hervorrufen können.“ Viele Fungizide wirkten nämlich nicht spezifisch gegen Pilze, sondern „verhindern allgemeine Prozesse in Zellen wie die Energieproduktion oder deren Teilung“.

Bloembollentelers in actie voor natuurlijker manier van telen

Over 3 jaar kunnen bloembollentelers toe met de helft minder chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen en kunstmest. Dat stelt de nieuwe regionale vereniging 'Natuurlijk leven, natuurlijk telen'. Zes grote bollenkwekers uit Noord-Holland Noord zijn hierbij aangesloten. Het vrijwillig streven naar 50% reductie is een doorbraak in de gangbaar werkende bloembollenbranche. De vereniging is opgericht vanuit het vak. Chemische middelen tasten het bodemleven ernstig aan en zijn schadelijk voor het milieu, erkennen de aangesloten telers. "Als we niet oppassen zijn de bollengronden over dertig jaar volledig dood. Een middel als metam-natrium, veel gebruikt in de lelieteelt, legt het bodemleven 3 maanden stil. Het loopt verkeerd af als we onze wil blijven opleggen aan de natuur." Om meer bijval te krijgen gaat de vereniging aan de slag met 40.000 euro subsidie van de Europese Unie. In januari worden in 't Zand cursussen gegeven voor bloembollenkwekers om over te schakelen op een meer natuurlijke manier van werken.

FOCUS models, legally prescribed for pesticide approval, do not accurately predict the fungicide levels actually found later in surface waters

The method used to approve pesticides in the EU needs to be revised. This was confirmed by a recent study by the Institute for Environmental Sciences Landau. According to the study, the level of fungicides measured in surface waters is often much higher than the level predicted by the current calculation model used in the approval process. Last year a study by the Institute on insecticides had a similarly alarming conclusion.

Current Risk Approaches Are Flawed - Endocrine Disruptors Are A Case In Point

Rising levels of cancers and fertility problems have attracted scientists’ attention to endocrine disrupting chemicals, with some calling for strict regulation of the substances, in line with the precautionary principle. Others meanwhile, stress the worthiness of those chemicals in everyday products such as plastics and warn that the foundations of science risk being turned upside down if precautionary measures are taken. Endocrine disruptors are suspected of triggering diseases such as cancer or diabetes and contributing to people becoming overweight or infertile. The controversy has gone beyond the traditional confrontation between the chemicals industry and environmental and health activists. Among scientists, too, opinions vary on whether a link exists between these chemicals and diseases. But all parties agree on one point – that the protection of consumers and the environment must be ensured. Henk Tennekes comments that a new risk assessment is needed to evaluate the effects that chemicals have on humans and the environment and that endocrine disruptors may be a case in point.

Influence on Birds of Rice Field Management Practices during the Growing Season: A Review and an Experiment

Most literature on birds and rice (Oryza sativa) focuses on the non-growing period and little is known about the influence of management practices during cultivation. A review found that the main factors affecting species composition and abundance in rice fields during the growing season were water level, flooding period, rice plant structure and size, and pesticide use. Highest bird density and diversity occurred at intermediate water levels (10–20 cm). Early flooding and late drying favored waterbird density and diversity, and the stopover of migrating species. Taller plants, at higher densities, reduced prey availability to most waterbirds but favored smaller species. Pesticides and herbicides have been shown to be toxic to birds and reduce food resources.

Wildlife Ecotoxicology of Pesticides: Can We Track Effects to the Population Level and Beyond?

During the past 50 years, the human population has more than doubled and global Agricultural production has similarly risen. However, the productive arable area has increased by just 10%; thus the increased use of pesticides has been a consequence of the demands of human population growth, and its impact has reached global significance. Although we often know a pesticide´s mode of action in the target species, we still largely do not understand the full impact of unintended side effects on wildlife, particularly at higher levels of biological organization: populations,
communities, and ecosystems. In these times of regional and global species declines, we are challenged with the task of causally linking knowledge about the molecular actions of pesticides to their possible interference with biological processes, in order to develop reliable predictions about the consequences of pesticide use, and misuse, in a rapidly changing world.

Children from rural areas exposed to pesticides demonstrated significant DNA damage

A study investigated whether cytogenetic damage increased through prolonged pesticide exposure in n = 117 children, aged 7-11 years, living in rural areas of intensive agriculture; controls being n = 87 children from an agri-tourism region without pesticide exposure. DNA Single-Strand Breaks (SSB) were detected by the Comet assay in whole fresh blood samples together with ‘formamidopyrimidine DNA-glycosylase (FPG)-sensitive sites' with the bacterial FPG protein in isolated lymphocytes. Micronuclei (MN) levels were measured by the cytokinesis-block MN assay. Acetylcholinoesterase (AChE) and Pseudocholinesterase (PChE) activities were used as biomarkers of exposure. Subjects exposed to pesticides had significantly higher AChE and PChE activities than controls, although average levels were well below the biological exposure limit. In addition, those exposed to pesticides had significantly higher levels of steady-state FPG sites and SSB levels (p < 0.001), as well as MN levels. A positive correlation was found between PChE activity and FPG-sensitive sites and also between MN levels and FPG-sensitive sites, (both p < 0.01). In conclusion, despite the relatively low pesticide exposures in the test group of children, significant biological/developmental effects were detected.