
Drie belangrijke Spaanse wetlands zijn in gevaar

Spanje is het derde land met het grootste aantal wetlands van internationaal belang. Volgens de organisatie SEO/Birdlife bevinden drie van die wetlands zich in serieus gevaar en op een punt waarop geen ommekeer meer mogelijk is. De drie Spaanse wetlands die ernstig in hun voortbestaan als zodanig worden bedreigd zijn Doñana in de regio Andalusië, de Ebro-delta in Tarragona en l'Albufera in Valencia. In deze wetlands leeft 25 procent van de in Spanje bekende watervogelsoorten.

Kiebitze und Unken verschwinden im Rhein-Main-Gebiet

Als besonders bedrohlich erweist sich die immer intensivere Landwirtschaft. „Auf den Äckern und Wiesen stellen wir einen massiven Artenrückgang fest“, sagt NABU-Mitarbeiter Mark Harthun. Acker-Bodenbrüter wie Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis) und Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus) gebe es in Hessen immer seltener. Auf den Äckern nisten die Tiere nicht, weil Jahr für Jahr in riesigen Mengen Pestizide gesprüht werden. Nicht nur wegen der Giftstoffe selbst, sondern auch weil die Getreide- und Grashalme durch das Düngen immer dichter wachsen, brüten dort kein Vögel mehr, wie es heißt.

The black rail is disappearing from Virginia

As a species, the eastern black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis) tops the list for avid bird-lovers the world over who are eager to catch a glimpse of this reclusive, secretive little creature. That’s because most birders have never actually seen one in the flesh. And most of them never will. In just a few short years the night calls of the eastern black rail have gone silent in many coastal states. In Virginia, for instance, there have been no recorded sightings in two years.

Dramatic decline of the bearded reedling in Spanish Mediterranean wetlands

The apparent stability of the bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) in Spanish inland wetlands contrasts with its threatened status in Spanish coastal wetlands. The species has already disappeared from some coastal areas in Catalonia and its situation is critical in the region of Valencia. In 2013 we studied the breeding populations in three wetlands in Valencia using two methods: census by exhaustive search of individuals (territory mapping) and distance sampling using line transects.

Connecticut's native birds are suffering slow, steady population declines

Many of Connecticut's native birds "are suffering slow, steady population declines" and at least one species appears headed for extinction, according to a new report released Monday by the Connecticut Audubon Society. Avian experts are forecasting that the Saltmarsh Sparrow is facing "likely extinction" during next half century. Blue-winged warblers, Brown Thrashers, Fields Sparrows, Clapper Rails and other species are losing an estimated 5 percent of their Connecticut populations each year, the report warned.

Losing Ireland’s Curlew: A Bird on the Brink

The Curlew (Numenius arquata) is a bird in crisis. Since 2007 they have been red-listed by the IUCN due to their small and declining breeding population. There has been widespread declines all across Europe but it’s the populations in Ireland that are worst hit. Estimates put the decline of native breeding pairs to 86% over the last 25 years. There are only a few hundred breeding pairs left in the country. The Curlew is the largest of the European wading birds.

Crested Crane - Uganda's Symbolic Bird Now Faces Threat of Extinction

With a crown of stiff gold-coloured feathers on its head, a bright red gular sac and body made of gray, brown, gold and white patches, the grey crowned crane stands out for its striking features. Commonly called the crested crane (Balearica regulorum), it is a bird of national significance to Uganda, occupying a prime position on the country's national flag and coat of arms. Yet despite its serenity, beauty and popularity, the crested crane is facing the threat of extinction.

20 Arten in Sachsen-Anhalt gefährdet

In Sachsen-Anhalt sind 18 regelmäßig im Land brütende Vogelarten derzeit vom Aussterben bedroht. Dazu gehören unter anderem die Moorente, die Sumpfohreule, die Uferschnepfe und der Steinkauz, wie das Landesamt für Umweltschutz in Halle mitteilte. Von einigen Arten gebe es nur noch ein Brutpaar im Land – wie etwa vom Schreiadler. Beim Auerhuhn gebe es derzeit kein einziges Pärchen mehr. Vogelexperten sind alarmiert, doch die Lösungen sind begrenzt. "Das ist eine Katastrophe", sagte Christoph Kaatz von der Vogelschutzwarte Storchenhof Loburg.

Lightning-fast little blue heron could disappear in a flash

A slender shorebird stood motionless in the shallow reflecting water. Its dark blues and purples seemed to emerge from the grasses themselves. Slowly, the neck and head began to sway slightly. The scene was hypnotic. A lightning flash of action broke the spell. The dagger-like bill of the little blue heron (Egretta caerulea) had snatched an unsuspecting fish. After a vigorous shake, the bird gulped down its dinner. The frenzy of action lasted just a few seconds. Little blues prefer shallow, quiet waters for hunting. The water can be saline like the marsh I was standing in or fresh.

Extinction Predicted Within 50 Years for Saltmarsh Sparrow

Saltmarsh sparrows (Ammodramus caudacutus) are the only species of breeding bird found nowhere else but the East Coast of the United States, where they live exclusively in coastal marshes, including several sites in Rhode Island. But the birds are predicted to go extinct within the next 50 years. That’s the unfortunate news reported by University of Connecticut researchers Chris Elphick and Chris Fields earlier this month.