The European ombudsman has rejected claims that the EU executive has failed to take action to stop bees from extinction

The European ombudsman has rejected claims that the EU executive has failed to take action to stop bees from extinction, after studies released in March suggested a link between EU-approved pesticides and the collapse of European bee populations. The Austrian Ombudsman Board appealed to P. Nikiforos Diamandouros in March, saying the Commission should have reviewed the authorisation of the insecticides, known as neonicotinoids. The complaint highlighted studies in the journal Sciencethat said the chemicals caused a reduction in queen bee numbers and damaged bees’ navigational ability to return to their hive. Diamandouros said the Commission had adequately addressed the issue by designating an EU reference laboratory to analyse bee health further and commissioning a study on the phenomenon. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is also set to complete a review of risk assessments for neonicotinoids by the end of the year, he said.

Source: Europolitics, 9th October 2012…