Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to review science on pesticides and bee health

In Europe and the USA there have been concerns for some time about the potential for insecticides to impact on the health of honey bees and other insect pollinators. Of particular interest is whether a particular class of insecticides, the neonicotinoids, might have sub-lethal effects on bees, which may reduce their ability to pollinate plants and produce honey. These concerns have created some anxiety among Australian beekeepers who have noted that many of the neonicotinoids used overseas are also used here. Accordingly, the APVMA has commenced an investigation of the scientific literature to determine whether:
•use of neonicotinoids in Australia presents any more of a risk to honey bee health than other pesticides that have been in use for many years
•current APVMA data requirements for testing of insecticides are adequate to address any potential effects of neonicotinoids on bees.
The outcomes of our investigation will be published by early 2013.

Source:Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), 23 August 2012…