Italian magistrate charges Managing Directors of Bayer and Syngenta with bee-killing over clothianidin

Prosecutor Guariniello has charged the managing directors of Bayer CropScience in Milan and Syngenta Crop Protection in Italy with the spreading of diseases (or mass-killing) of animals and plants, and thus posing a danger for the national economy. The penalty, if they are found guilty, ranges from one to five years in jail. The plant protection product which ended up in the crosshairs of the magistrate is called ‘Poncho’. It kills insects by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. So they die. Bayer produces it, Syngenta sells it. Guariniello has collected reports from many beekeepers in the province of Turin and examined pathology analysis from bee post-mortems, which, after 24 hours show no traces of neonicotinoids. So they went further and "field testing" has confirmed the cause and effect relationship between the death of bees and this kind of insecticide.
